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Copyright Permissions Information

     For many instructors, the most complicated and confusing issue pertaining to course packets is copyright permissions. Information from various sources comprises the majority of material that most instructors would like to include in their course packets. Using material in a form such as a course packet sometimes requires obtaining copyright permission to do so. A copyright is defined as "The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work." In many cases, the author or publisher may require a fee for the use of the work.

     One of the most important services offered by CoursePackets.net is the clearance of copyrights for the materials included in the packets we create. CoursePackets.net will contact the author or publisher and obtain permission to use the materials in the course packet. CoursePackets.net will include the charge for the permission in the price of the packet and will later pay the necessary fees to the author or publisher.

     A great concern for both the instructor and the students is the cost of the materials that they use. Copyright fees can add considerably to that cost. For this reason, CoursePackets.net takes several steps to limit the fees that are incurred in assembling a packet. First, we determine whether the materials can by classified as Public Domain. Material may be public domain if it is published by public sources such as the government or if it is of a certain age and the copyright has expired. Please view the links below for detailed public domain criteria.

     The final step that CoursePackets.net will take to limit cost is to negotiate the price that an author or publisher will request. We always prefer to negotiate directly with the copyright holder to avoid the middleman effect that drives up prices when using online copyright clearance resources.

For more information about copyrights, download the Zip Publishing/CoursePackets.net book
Everything you always wanted to know about copyrights, But were afraid to ask (PDF format).

Public Domain Links
From The Cornell Copyright Information Center

When U.S. Works Pass Into The Public Domain--University of North Carolina

If you would like to submit copyright permission requests choose the following links:
*Printable Permissions Request Form